A reflection from the valley, by Dawn

Last year I was diagnosed with brain cancer.

At the time of my diagnosis, and for ages afterwards, the questions raced through my head. Why me? Why now when I just seemed to finally be sorting things out? I had finally found a good group of friends and found my passion and learnt how to nail the dreaded job interviews. Had I done something to deserve this? Was God punishing me?

The answer I was always given was no. And being shown through the Bible why this was just not true was most helpful. I was not being punished. I had good friends reminding me that God was faithful and would carry me through this. It was a real whirlwind from initial scans to a biopsy and then diagnosis. Initially we were told it was a grade 2, very treatable, but then told more results had come back it was a rare type of cancer with outcomes not known but a prognosis of two years or less. Treatment followed 3 weeks of radiotherapy as well as physio to build some strength up. I was doing well but then things went down hill. Fast. I lost the ability to stand and walk. I’m now unable to do anything for myself. Throughout this whole awful situation I have seen God provide for me what I have needed. In the first few days in hospital the hymn ‘Great is thy faithfulness’ was playing in my head. I have been so blessed with good family, friends and a church that truly shows the love and grace of God. While it has been a really awful time, I’ve seen that God has been, and continues to be, faithful. He will never leave me. I haven’t just been left to deal with this myself. I have a God who is faithful no matter the circumstance. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

By Dawn Williamson

Russ Grinter

Russ serves as Pastor of Reforming Presbyterian Church in East Bendigo. It has been his joy to see God’s grace to him and the church in so many ways. As a Teaching Elder, Russ serves under the care of the North Western Victoria Presbytery.


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