Reforming Church

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Job 25-26 ~ Superficial answers don’t suffice

(Our Reforming Groups Bible studies are designed to be inductive, using the COMA form of study: Context, Observation, Meaning, Application). For more on this method, check out this article.)

By way of introduction: As you reflect upon our series in the Book of Job so far, how would you summarise is the basic and repeated message of Job’s three friends?

Read Job 25

  1. Bildad’s speech here is his third and final speech, whats stood out to you as similar and yet different from previous speeches?

  2. Job 25:4 is a repeated question throughout the Book of Job (4:17, 9:2, 15:14). What is Bildad trying to say from these words in 25:4-6 do you think?

  3. What do you think the few words of Bildad’s speech shows at this point? And what could we make of the fact that Zophar doesn’t have anything left to say as his third speech?

    Read Job 26

  4. Job’s friends had falsely accused him of being a rich man who oppressed the poor - but what does he say has really happened? (26:2-3)

  5. As you read Job 26:4-14, what is Job saying about the wisdom of his three friends?

  6. In 26:6, 13, we see references to Satan (see Revelation 9:11). Why does Job still find hope in the midst of his circumstances and his friend’s accusations?

    Application through Christ

  7. Bildad can’t seem to see how a person can be right before God (25:4) and much less for someone like a maggot (25:6) - yet what does Job dare hope in, that we definitely know about God from the gospel?

  8. Up until now we have heard Jobs friends give an answer to Job’s suffering again and again - why are their answer’s superficial and why do they not suffice when we look at how Job points to Christ?

Pray for our church, and the state of Victoria in lockdown, that the Lord Jesus would comfort us in our suffering, and prepare our hearts for suffering.